How get target data ?

Preparation et telescope pointing

The first step to acquire a quality spectrum is to prepare your equipment well and to make a precise pointing on the celestial object in question. Make sure your telescope is properly aligned and in optimal focus. Use a guiding camera to maintain accurate pointing throughout the exposure.

Choice of the spectroscope configuration

This campaign is aimed at observers with a spectrograph with a resolution between R = 500 to 5000 (Alpy600, Star'Ex BR, UVEX, LISA,...).

Exposure time and image accumulation

A signal to noise ratio in the continuum near the Halpha line should be if possible at least 150, however spectra affected by a higher noise level are also accepted, one of the results of the study being indeed to correlate the value of the signal to noise ratio and the quality of the radial velocity measurement obtained.

Image processing and spectrum extraction

The spectra sent must be calibrated.

You can use a specialized software to process the data, correct the artifacts and extract the spectrum (SpecINTI, ISIS, Demetra,...). Image processing should include background subtraction, correction of hot and dead pixels. Spectrum extraction must be done with care to minimize noise and maximize noise and maximize the quality of the final spectrum.